Chloe had her 18 month appointment on Friday (even though she's really 19 months). She is doing really well. She weighs 25.5 lbs and is 31.75 inches long. For an 18 month old that puts her in the 60% and 48% percentile, respectively. She hasn't really grown since her 15 month appointment which is fine. I know 24 month pants on her are long. When she was in the hospital in February, the doctors said she needs to get the RSV vaccine this coming RSV season. Her doctor looked into how much to give and the cost and she told me Chloe will need 2 doses because of her weight for the whole season which is 5 months. Each dose cost between $1500 and $2000 (funny there's a $500 swing in there)!! What! Potentially $20,000 for the season! She wanted me to call the health insurance to make sure it's covered. I called today and the deductible has been met this year so it's covered fully this year and then in January we'll have to pay the deductible first which is no where near $20,000. Thank goodness.
That's all I have time for right now.
How life is going for us after the birth of our twins Chloe and Faith and then the loss of Faith after 41 days of life.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
What's Happening?
Almost two weeks since the last post! Whoops! And of course now when I find a little time to write, I can't think of much. I'll start with this past weekend.
Sunday - I took Kylie and Chloe to the zoo. We had a picnic by the front entrance and then went and strolled around. In the penguin building there was a little girl standing next to us that first coughed into her hand (like whooping cough) and then said "baby!" and was going to touch Chloe's hand. I pulled Chloe into me and the little girls' mom told her not to touch. I'm not sure if it was in response to my reaction or not but it made me scared. If that child was truly sick, why would she be at the zoo. But you never know. We also headed over to Meijer Garden because Kylie wanted to and we have memberships to both places. She wanted to see the swamp for some reason. So we saw the swamp. Then it thundered a bit and I said "time to go." What a busy day.
Saturday - Went to a wedding. Kylie loves weddings and seeing the "married girl" and getting to dance. It was a beautiful wedding, I give lots of credit to the bride and groom and all who pulled it off in a couple of months. The father daughter song was "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts. That was the song in the e-card I sent myself from Faith.
Friday - I finally finished our story for Ella Bullis Foundation. I did it in pieces, so it wasn't too bad. Although, how can you not cry when you have to tell the part about your baby's death... I'll post here when I can, with a picture as I don't have a current family picture yet.
Sunday - I took Kylie and Chloe to the zoo. We had a picnic by the front entrance and then went and strolled around. In the penguin building there was a little girl standing next to us that first coughed into her hand (like whooping cough) and then said "baby!" and was going to touch Chloe's hand. I pulled Chloe into me and the little girls' mom told her not to touch. I'm not sure if it was in response to my reaction or not but it made me scared. If that child was truly sick, why would she be at the zoo. But you never know. We also headed over to Meijer Garden because Kylie wanted to and we have memberships to both places. She wanted to see the swamp for some reason. So we saw the swamp. Then it thundered a bit and I said "time to go." What a busy day.
Saturday - Went to a wedding. Kylie loves weddings and seeing the "married girl" and getting to dance. It was a beautiful wedding, I give lots of credit to the bride and groom and all who pulled it off in a couple of months. The father daughter song was "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts. That was the song in the e-card I sent myself from Faith.
Friday - I finally finished our story for Ella Bullis Foundation. I did it in pieces, so it wasn't too bad. Although, how can you not cry when you have to tell the part about your baby's death... I'll post here when I can, with a picture as I don't have a current family picture yet.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
God Said "No"
We still don't have Internet hooked up, but the room looks great. Every night I go and pick up the mess that the girls created. It wasn't too bad last night. Maybe because Chloe was busy throwing her shoes down the stairs instead of messing up the room : )
I wanted to share something I received in an email years and years ago. I think I got it from my brother-in-law, Paul. It spoke to me then and it still speaks to me every time I read.
Isn't it really good? I think so.
I've been very bad about keeping up the blog, one main reason is the no Internet thing. But it just seems like I'm go go go now. Someone retired at work so my work load has increased, but so far so good.
I'm suppose to write 'our story' to send to Ella Bullis foundation so they can put it on the website. I got that email the beginning of July and I said "I'll get it to you in a week." Well 3 weeks have past. Thankfully they are great people so it's okay, but I feel bad, like missing a deadline or bill payment - icky feelings.
Honestly, I don't know if I can write our story down. I know it in my head, but to think back to write something down is terrifying me. It's sad and it will make me cry. I will do it because I said I would but how to get started.... Since we were featured on their site before there is a little story on us that I can start with.
Joel and I are both tired lately because Chloe seems to have issues during the night lately, where she's up crying. Sometimes it's just a couple of seconds, and I can get her back sleeping. Other times something is wrong like last night, I think her tummy hurt and she pooped finally at 12:30AM and did settle down after that. I like to sleep all night long, we need to try to head to bed earlier, that might help. It's funny because she is still a baby, like she was last year, except she doesn't have to eat during the night, so the encounters usually are quicker. I've got to remind myself to enjoy it now, she won't be this little for long. All I have to do is look at Kylie and what a big girl she is getting to be. Often now Kylie and I color together - it's the best. Her favorite color is all the colors : )
I wanted to share something I received in an email years and years ago. I think I got it from my brother-in-law, Paul. It spoke to me then and it still speaks to me every time I read.
I asked God to take away my habit.
God said, No.
It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.
God said, No.
His spirit is whole; his body is only temporary.
I asked God to grant me patience.
God Said, No.
Patience is a byproduct of tribulations; it isn’t granted, it is learned.
I asked God to give me happiness.
God said, No.
I give you blessings. Happiness is up to you.
I asked God to spare me pain.
God said, No.
Suffering draws you apart for worldly cares and brings you closer to me.
I asked God to make my spirit grow.
God said, No.
You must grow on your own!, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.
I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life.
God said, No.
I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things.
I asked God to help me LOVE others, as much as He loves me.
God said…Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.
Isn't it really good? I think so.
I've been very bad about keeping up the blog, one main reason is the no Internet thing. But it just seems like I'm go go go now. Someone retired at work so my work load has increased, but so far so good.
I'm suppose to write 'our story' to send to Ella Bullis foundation so they can put it on the website. I got that email the beginning of July and I said "I'll get it to you in a week." Well 3 weeks have past. Thankfully they are great people so it's okay, but I feel bad, like missing a deadline or bill payment - icky feelings.
Honestly, I don't know if I can write our story down. I know it in my head, but to think back to write something down is terrifying me. It's sad and it will make me cry. I will do it because I said I would but how to get started.... Since we were featured on their site before there is a little story on us that I can start with.
Joel and I are both tired lately because Chloe seems to have issues during the night lately, where she's up crying. Sometimes it's just a couple of seconds, and I can get her back sleeping. Other times something is wrong like last night, I think her tummy hurt and she pooped finally at 12:30AM and did settle down after that. I like to sleep all night long, we need to try to head to bed earlier, that might help. It's funny because she is still a baby, like she was last year, except she doesn't have to eat during the night, so the encounters usually are quicker. I've got to remind myself to enjoy it now, she won't be this little for long. All I have to do is look at Kylie and what a big girl she is getting to be. Often now Kylie and I color together - it's the best. Her favorite color is all the colors : )
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