Friday, February 3, 2012


Not sure I'll post all this in one blog as it's 10:50PM. But in Arizona it 8:50PM.  This past week we went on vacation to visit Joel's dad and stepmom in Yuma, Arizona where they spend the winter months. So my last post about nothing going on was not correct but I don't want to tell the world "Hey we're not home." Although I don't know if it would have mattered since we did have someone looking after our cats.  I didn't post through this past week because there really wasn't too much time to and the hotel's wifi was horrible. Joel tried to connect and he would get on for 2 seconds then get kicked off. I did a lot through my phone Facebook and email. I say this because we had a little crisis.  I say little because it's nothing compared to what we were going through last year.
On Sunday, our daycare notified all the parents that they had to close their doors effective immediately.  I'm not sure why it was done on Sunday and not on Friday just to give parents a little time to find another place. They owed some back taxes and I guess they couldn't take on any more debt.  Friends that also had their kids at the same place called to tell us the news and offered to pick up anything left of the girls. We did have Chloe's food and diapers there so we will get those back.  This left us worrying on Sunday what to do and where to go. I kept checking Facebook to see what others were doing or saying. On Monday morning Joel started making calls to see what options we had.  It's one thing if we were choosing to switch daycare but it's a whole different story when there are how many other families looking for daycare as well.  So we choose one based on location, recommendations, and price. It wasn't fun doing on vacation but we did it and hopefully we've got everything taken care of  and the girls are ready to go on Monday.
We sat down with Kylie to let her know that she won't be going back to her old school. We try and tell her every day but I don't know if it will sink in until we show up on Monday. I told her today that she isn't a Clifford anymore, she will be in the Purple Room. She was excited and ask to go see it. I told her on Monday we would. I hope she has some friends there so it's not completely strange and new. It sounds like one of her old teachers will be her new teacher as the staff from our old daycare also need jobs.
We know Chloe should adjust with no problems.
It's just sad that the girls won't have their same teachers anymore and that we won't see them or some of the other friends. I know it would happened eventually when they went off to kindergarten but that's over a year away for Kylie.
More about AZ later.

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