Wednesday, January 16, 2013


2013 has arrived.  It feels like my accelerator is stuck at 80 mph and I can't slow down. I need to slow down as soon I will crash, but I don't know how.  Work is worse than home, I think. Or that's the way it feels because at home I can stay up late to get some things done whereas at work, I have to leave at 5 to get the girls. For some reason I feel like my workload is 5 times that of what it was last month. But it's to be expected now that year end is done and we have goals to meet in 2013. I just have to find a good way of managing it. My cubicle has exploded with paper recently. I don't notice so much because I work on a computer so I don't really notice until I'm leaving for the day or walking into the cube.   It's bad because we have a policy at work that we need to lock up confidential information, which is every paper.  I'm playing it safe.
As for home, I got down the Christmas decorations last Friday. That's not too bad, but my filing system at home has also exploded for some reason and we have tons of paper and other things that I need to take care of soon.  Plus the taxes. Plus filing out school registration for Kylie when that comes in the mail (should be soon). Plus keeping up on bills. Plus Chloe (and Faith's) 2nd birthday on Tuesday (plus getting a birthday card in the mail for my dad as the girls share his birthday, he was born waaaay before them : ) sorry dad, it's true).  Plus I'm scrapbooking this weekend - more for a get away and maybe birthday party planning than actually making progress on a scrapbook.
I may have fallen behind at home because I'm trying to do more with the girls as they are only this age once and we should be having fun.  The other night I told them to play dress up. Kylie was all over it. Chloe, a little hesitant to put on a princess dress, but she is all about the shoes. I did get a dress on her and she didn't seem to mind once it was on.  I see Kylie as the princess and Chloe as the hip mom when it comes to play time. I also found some games in a cupboard that Kylie could play (Scrabble Jr, Nemo, and Boggle Jr) so we play one or two a night after Chloe goes to bed. I love games. We even got Joel to play Nemo with us last night : ) He's not really a board game person.

We finally received a bill from the pharmacy for Chloe's RSV shot.  Strange thing is it's for the November shot. Not sure why it took so long.  The pharmacy called me today to get consent for the January shot and told me I had two bills outstanding. I told her I only got one, so she is sending the other one for December.  What are we paying out of pocket for 2012 you might wonder? Just for these shots: $1,287.  Good thing we have an HSA account. Each month total cost is $5,855.  Just over $29,000 for 5 months!  I have a high deductible of $2500 before insurance starts paying 80%, so I know what January's bill will be. WOW!
I was looking at the 2012 claims and a month of these shots is almost equivalent to a day in the hospital. The dosage is based on her weight and she weighs about 29 pounds so that's why it cost more because it comes in 2 vials. So when we go to the doctor's office, they get 2 nurses to each shoot up a leg.  She is going to be so scared of that place in a few months, poor baby. She doesn't cry for long, but still those crocodile tears make me sad. I know it's for her own good with her in daycare, kids are always sick there.

Hopefully I'll post some birthday pictures next week. Stay tuned...

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