Monday, May 14, 2012


Chloe had her 12 month assessment this morning. It was a long morning, my goodness. We were there from 8:30 to 11:45. Poor girl couldn't take a nap even though she really needed to. That's why I wonder if she didn't perform as well on the later assessments as she did with the first few. I feel exhausted with this day, maybe I shouldn't have gone to work as it was hard to concentrate. I have mixed emotions about this morning. Overall, Chloe did great! She rocked most things. Physical therapy put her at 12 months, Psychology put her at 13 months, Occupational therapy was her best - 17 months!! She's only 15 months old. From the notes: "Chloe was able to pick up and release cheerios using a finger and thumb grasp. She stacked two blocks and placed coins in a piggy bank. Chloe was observed to hold a crayon with her finger tips at the top of a crayon and scribble spontaneously. She also imitated marks on a page. She was able to pull lego blocks apart and was observed to put them back together one time."

The bothersome items are she had to be referred on her hearing test. She now the hospital will call to set up an appointment for that. This could be because of her cold and maybe some fluid in the ear, but maybe not. On her speech therapy, she scored between an 8-9 month old. I don't really feel that's correct but we get Early On services for free so they will also be calling us to meet once a month with Chloe. Then Chloe will show them how awesome she is and we won't need them anymore. From the speech notes: "Rec. Lang: 9 mos. Turns toward bell, rattle, papper. Responds to her name as well as unfamiliar name. Does not respond to two familiar words (diaper, drink). Maintains attn during ball play for 60 secs. Responds to two spoken requests (wave bye bye, blow a kiss). Exp Comm: 8 mos. Vocalizes to speaker's attn. Heard one vowel (ah) and 4 consonants (m,b,d,y) in repetitive syllables. Doesn't imitate repetitive syllables." I was a bit discouraged at this but this assessment was the second to last one and Chloe was getting pretty tired and angry. She did asks some questions about what Chloe does and I answered as truthfully as I could because if something is wrong, we can catch it early.

Today brought back memories of just knowing Chloe is a twin. How would Faith have done? Would she be on a breathing machine or have a sever handicap? Questions only God knows the answers to. What was really strange is on the way home from picking up Kylie and Chloe, Kylie was all sad at one point and said "You know why I'm crying? I miss my baby Faith." She wasn't really crying - she got me to cry - and it lasted only a moment and she was back to happy but how strange. I said "You know Faith was Chloe's twin?" "yes" I guess God works in mysterious ways. Of course then Kylie says "My stomach and back hurt, I need to lay on my bed and play and then I will feel better." OK. She is really good about finding something to do when we get home so I can make dinner. Chloe on the other hand seems to be starving and cranky, hopefully she'll grow out of that. I gave her crackers while I made dinner so that helped a lot.

1 comment:

  1. It's great to hear that Chloe is doing pretty well. You are right that some of the tests may not have gone so well if Chloe was tried. That doesn't seem to change as children get older. If they are tried and unmotivated, they do not seem to perform as well on tests. On another note, I'm glad you had a good Mother's Day, but I'm not sure why you couldn't get a hold of Grandma because we were all there and the only time the phone rang was when Br. Andre called to wish Grandma a Happy Mother's Day. Mom thinks something is wrong with her phone connection.
